Discussing your hobbies

Things that I like to do, running and poker are probably two my favorite things to do.  Running basically and poker as well create discipline for me.  Poker has taught me discipline.  Moneywise it has taught me discipline, has taught me structure, has taught me how to think ahead, how to think on the fly.  Running also breeds discipline because in order to get better at running you need to have discipline.  It’s something that needs to be repetitive, like to get up every early in the morning on the weekend and go running because that breeds discipline.  I feel that if I can get up at 6:30 in the morning and go run four miles, I’m telling myself I’m disciplined, that I can do this.

One of my favorite hobbies is playing golf.  When I was growing up my father played and he taught me how to play.  And in high school I played on a co-ed team, which meant that there are boys and girls, and it was a lot of fun.  I competed in college as well.  And I love playing golf.  It’s not just for old guys.  It’s also for young, kind of cute girls.  Yea, I love it.

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