Social Media

Social-networking, primarily Facebook.  I spend a lot of time on Facebook, so I do a lot of social-networking despite my age.  I have found it to be very useful, informative and fun.  I’ve been able to get back in touch with a lot of people that I used to work with at other companies who were on there, a lot of people who I went to high school with, my family, most members of my family are on Facebook.  So, it’s also another way that I could stay in touch with them other than e-mails and phone calls.  And there are just some really neat applications that you can use that are on there…from games…there are groups like the St. Jude Children’s Hospital actually has a Facebook page and that’s one of my pet charities.  So I will go to there and send out messages to people to join that particular group.  All in all, social-networking I think has a very big place in this society, and I could only see it expanding.

Social-networking is probably one of the biggest phenomenons that we have today.  Facebook is a very big social network.  It’s used by people all over the world.  And me personally, I’ve used it to keep in touch with my relatives that live in Jamaica, England, France, in Canada.  Normally I wouldn’t be able to just pick up the phone and call them because either it’s too expensive or the time difference it kinda just messes things up.  But Facebook is just perfect.  I can just go online, shoot them a quick message, or I can talk to them online.  And it’s just a great way to keep in touch with friends and family that aren’t not necessarily really close to you.

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